Friday, November 7, 2008

Obama's National Security Team: Who I'd like to See

As President-elect Obama picks his Cabinet,I'd like to discuss who are possibilities and who I'd like to see.

Secretary of State

I'd like to see Bill Richardson. As governor of New Mexico he's had to make some tough decisions concerning ilegal immigration and is capable of giving solid advce if circumstnaces call for it. Also he has excellent executive and Cabinet experience and is highly skilled in diplomacy.

Another person who I'd be content with, and even more so, is Richard Holbrooke. He has a distringuished diplomatic career and has the judgment that a strong Secretary of State needs.

Runners-up: Dennis Ross, Walter Russell Mead.

Who I do no want is John Kerry as has been mentioned.

Secretary of Defense

Sam Nunn. Dick Lugar or Chuck Hagel are strong possibilities. All would be good choices, and show Obama isn't an ideologue. Obama should pick a tough internationalist like Nunn.

Runner-up: Robert Gates

National Security Advisor

Sarah Sewall. I'd personally feel comfortable with her. She has a good degree of knowledge in such issues since she wrote the forward to the Army/USMC Counterinsurgency Field Manual. I've heard though Susan Rice is more likely to get it.

Runners-up: Joe Nye, Mark Lippert

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