Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's First Test

First of all even though I am disappointed that John McCain did not win, I am going to move on, hope President-elect Obama does well and keeps us safe, and when I disagree voice it here.

Even though he won't be inaugurated until January 20th and we won't know how he'll govern until then, his first true test will come in the coming weeks. It concerns his Cabinet. Since he is relatively inexperienced in matters of foreign policy this matters. In this area the key positions to watch for are his choices for Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Director of National Intelligence as well as Director of the CIA.Who he chooses to fill these positions as well as their deputies will be a key indicator of how he intends to govern in this regard. If for instance he choose someone like Samantha Power, a harsh critic of Israel, that will speak volumes just as one example in the State Department for instance. We will have to wait and see. He's surrounded himself with some questionable advisers so it's any one's guess.

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