Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Looming Election

In but 3 days Americans will take part in perhaps the most important election of our time, the race between John McCain and Barack Obama. The choice here is a complex one, but one between two opposing views of the world.

On one hand you have a candidate who would like to depend on the UN and fruitless diplomacy to solve the world's problems. Who would call for the Georgians upon being attacked to practice restraint, would meet with dictators without preconditions, and overall is untested and according to his own pick for VP would invite an international crisis.

On the other hand you have a man who has been tested and proven himself over a number of years to be ready for the presidency. He has proven what he thinks regarding a number of hot button issues we will be sure to face, and will continue to fight our terrorist enemies aggressively.

This is not a tough choice. We know the John McCain is the right man for the job and if Obama is allowed to be elected it will result in a president who is all too eager to appease rogue nations and is not dedicated to victory on America's terms.

The thought of such a scenario is indeed worrisome. Could we see Israel endangered? A resurgent Russia feel emboldened? Iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons?

Make the right choice and vote McCain.

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