It would seem within his first week in office President Obama is looking to redefine the Global War on Terror.
He has announced his intention to close Gitmo, but he has really not answered the question, what are you going to do with all the detainees? Some have suggested they be moved to Fort Leavenworth, while others have stated other options, even John Murtha suggesting they go to a prison in Pennsylvania. Is that not ludicrous?
President Obama has stated as well that the techniques used in the Army Field Manual are the only ones to be used in interrogations. Although he is setting up a committee which will determine in six months if other techniques can be used as well.
I am hoping the announcement of the closure is but a symbolic gesture to appease the far-left, and he will in fact either keep the prison opened or send the prisoners to a location that is not in the US. Americans have to be kept safe, and allowing them to be on American soil is unacceptable. Also in this note, I am hoping his Executive Orders on interrogation have enough wiggle room so as methods used in enhanced interrogations can in fact be used.
I want to believe President Obama is a practical person and will do what is necessary to protect us from terrorist attacks, and that these are but symbolic gestures to appease his base. This is a serious job he has ahead of him, let us all hope this is true. We cannot afford however to fall into a pre-9/11 mentality and the danger it poses.
Will the MAGA Barbarian Invasion Succeed?
7 hours ago
1 comment:
"I want to believe President Obama is a practical person and will do what is necessary to protect us from terrorist attacks"
And I want to believe in the tooth fairy
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