Today marked the first 100 days of the Barack Obama administration. Let's take a look at his foreign policy accomplishments:
* The Global War on Terror no longer exists, it is now an Overseas Contingency Operation.
* According to DHS terrorist acts no longer exist either, but were replaced with "man-made disasters." Also returning vets might be possible right-wing terrorist recruits.
* President Obama went on a tour in Europe and Turkey to apologize for every ill America has committed from slavery to how Native Americans were treated to our "arrogance" and the fact that we have been "dismissive" of the Europeans.
* His most recent one though was his behavior with leaders in Latin America. He not only glad-handed Hugo Chavez, but also sat through a 53 minute diatribe by Daniel Ortega without responding.
* On top of of these there are the most dangerous actions of closing Gitmo without creating a plan as to what would be done with these detainees and last week's release of CIA memos detailing the way in which we interrogate captured terrorists. That action was incredibly irresponsible. "Along with this the fact that possible prosecutions were discussed and remain open to some extent is shameful.
President Obama, you're off to a great start. Hopefully you don't lower our defenses too much and make us look too weak over the next four years.
I feel like venting my spleen
8 hours ago